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by Josh Funk with illustrations by Sara Palacios

Some unexpected and annoying happenings have kept Pearl from building a sandcastle. But today is her last day at the beach. Maybe her robot, Pascal, can help, but a sandcastle can take all afternoon to make. Will they finish in time?

Although this Picture Book promotes the fact that more girls are coding, it’s also a fun story about a girl who plans, doesn’t give up when things go wrong, wisely brings her robot to help, and figures out all the steps that lead to her goal.

Wisely, Josh Funk wrote this funny story about a serious subject that’s interesting to kids. Kids learn coding terms while reading and seeing the effects of sequences and loops with the turn of a page.

I purchased this book at a nearby store on May 22, 2018. With permission, I am happy to review it. Checked the facts at GirlsWhoCode .

“JOSH FUNK?” you ask.

Yes, he’s the one who teamed with illustrator Brendan Kearney to introduce LADY PANCAKE AND SIR FRENCH TOAST and a second adventure, THE CASE OF THE STINKY STENCH.

Josh has lots of fun for kids on his Website, JoshFunkBooks. If you head over to his Website, you’ll be able to watch a book trailer about one more trip to the refrigerator, coming soon.