The Game of Lines by Hervé Tullet

Completely in the moment with these delightful children – a perfect school visit, a book of wonder.

The Picture Book Review

I had no idea that a book filled with only bright pink and yellow lines could be so absorbing, and yet it is so easy to lose track of time when playing The Game of Lines.

Each time I look through this book with one of my sons, I find myself oooh’ing and ahhhh’ing over each new image as if I were looking at fireworks.  Each combination of panels is a delightful and enchanting surprise — even after you’ve looked through it a bazillion times.

I’ve been delighted to watch my littlest one flip the split pages, turn the book upside down, and babble to us as he “reads” this book.  When we look through this book together, he’ll do the baby sign for “more” when we’ve come to the end, and I’ll open it back up and look through it with him again and again.

I’ve also been…

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