Remembering A Hero

(Eulogy for a Father)

A WWII veteran (Bronze Star & Purple Heart) may not reflect his physical bravery in 2019, but always his spirit. My hero Veteran died in 2002.

Remember this man, mourning not
the honored soldier’s purple heart
nor the brown of loyal uniform,
that stood strong for the greater good.

Remember this generation, whose values
joined sweethearts for sixty years
and buried heart wrenching loss and longing
in love undimmed by poor health–no tears.

Remembering, grandchildren told
his kindness, delight in their growing.
Through winter sledding, summer wagon rides,
his children celebrated–knowing.

This death has but claimed a body;
his strength and good from this world gone.
We remember, Joy surmounts pain,
and His love, without end, lives on.

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